
Sustainability Workshop in Saint-Petersburg, 29 of September , 2010

The seminar was held in two parts:

 In the framework of panel session SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS HUB: Innovation Networks and Resources for Sustainable Development  of seminar-dialogue New City Landscape: Green Solutions and Technologies of Success in Nordic Countries Jimmy Sjöblom, Senior Advisor of the Natural Step International in his report Strategic Sustainable Development introduced the participants with a five-level model of sustainable development and highlighted the principles of sustainable development that are actual for any sphere of activity. The report reflects the authors’ approaches to The Natural Step International, which are now very actively applied to small and medium-sized businesses in European countries, focused on sustainable development and environmental preservation for future generations.
The seminar-dialogue was attended by over 150 representatives from Russia (experts, representatives of municipalities and the scientific community), as well as representatives from the North Europe Government and Russia, Northern Europe heads of cities and regions, business leaders, international financial institutions and innovation centers.

Sustainability Toolkit (in Russian, brief)